Microsoft Office can’t find your license for this application. A repair attempt was unsuccessful

Microsoft Office can’t find your license for this application. A repair attempt was unsuccessful or war cancelled. Microsoft Office will now exit. This type of got an error how to fix some software procreation that is effect for Microsoft Office can’t open.

The reason the error “Microsoft Office can't find your License for this Application” occurs when the Microsoft application is unable to verify the license 

Windows 10 here and well I can’t get Microsoft Office applications to stay open.
I'll open Outlook for example and get this error -
Microsoft Office can’t find your license for this application. A repair attempt was unsuccessful or was cancelled. Microsoft Office will now exit.

Frist go to the control panel find the Administrative Tools then click here and search Services double click. 

Other method Win+R type services.msc hit enter when open services > Software Protection double click and right click Properties then “Start”  

Goto the “regedit hit enter then open “regedit” the location get here Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servcies\sppsvc


Go to the edit DWORD (32bit) Value “Start” The Value date input “2” basic check Hexadecimal then press button ok. When you change the value need to the restart then system.

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